New Book

Self-help for loving relationships that last

You Can Live Happily Ever After in Love
Timeless Wisdom for Modern Relatiomnships
by Andrew Quinn

The fairytale endings of love in movies and books have long stirred people’s hearts. Hollywood romance movies historically end with their first kiss hinting at ‘happily ever after’. Yet these tales sadly contrast with divorce rates. For most people, romantic love has been a powerful force that at some stage has become conflicted, stagnated or led to the end of the relationship. So where is the truth between the fairytale and the reality? Read More...


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info & models

Self-transformation therapy

Psychologial models

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About Andrew Quinn

Andrew began his professional career as a physiotherapist, and has worked in hospitals, rehabilitation centres and private practice, including overseas work. He soon developed an interest in the impact a person's psychological state has on their pain, particularly in the spinal area. He developed an interest in an holistic approach to people's issues, having observed treatment success being significantly affected by a person's stress and coping ability.

He left private practice and entered work involving case managing people with physical and mental health issues, helping increase their coping and assisting them back into employment. After conducting over 400 chronic pain assessments, he developed his own style of pain management counselling. He also encountered many cases of chronic fatigue and saw the fine line required to balance physical and mental/emotional energy.

His interest then turned to counselling and psychotherapy study to further understand the human journey through the various physical and psychological challenges that people encounter. He has been trained across a number of areas including Humanistic/Interpersonal Process, Psychoanalysis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Relationship-Marital Therapy, Trauma therapy, as well as Brief-Integrated Therapy.

He has developed his own system of therapy called Self-transformation Therapy. This system of therapy has been developed over a number of years, and has been based on the psychological models developed in his two books - 'The Tree of Life' & 'The Middle Pillar'. These two books were written as one book, and then divided into a theoretical and experiential book. 'The Tree of Life' creates the framework for the human journey, while 'The Middle Pillar' describes how to create psychological balance for inner peace and harmony.

These two books are based on Kabbalah's 'Psychological Tree of Life' , which creates the framework for Self-transformation Therapy. These models provide a holistic framework for life's journey, integrating the management of stress, improving relationships and creating life fulfilment.


Graduate Diploma in
Counselling & Psychotherapy

© Andrew Quinn 2006-14.
Disclaimer: The content of this website is informative only and in no way represents medical advice. See your doctor or a mental health practioner for individual advice.