New Book

Self-help for loving relationships that last

You Can Live Happily Ever After in Love
Timeless Wisdom for Modern Relatiomnships
by Andrew Quinn

The fairytale endings of love in movies and books have long stirred people’s hearts. Hollywood romance movies historically end with their first kiss hinting at ‘happily ever after’. Yet these tales sadly contrast with divorce rates. For most people, romantic love has been a powerful force that at some stage has become conflicted, stagnated or led to the end of the relationship. So where is the truth between the fairytale and the reality? Read More...


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info & models

Self-transformation therapy

Psychologial models

What does the Octohedron logo teach?

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Fear and Desire

The figure in this image shows how we can rush through life with a busy mind or keeping busy. This busy-ness can have a secondary gain of avoiding our fears from the past, while desiring relief from our feelings, which remains in the future. Living this way risks exhaustion and unstable moods, while rushing but never getting anywhere.

© Andrew Quinn 2006-14.
Disclaimer: The content of this website is informative only and in no way represents medical advice. See your doctor or a mental health practioner for individual advice.